Monday, 21 November 2011

My birthday

My 60th birthday was in September and it was pretty low key.  I didn't feel like celebrating because my dear brother had passed away only 3 weeks prior to my birthday.  All my friends have turned 60 this year and we have celebrated with them but I wasn't in the party mood.  I had a feeling for many months that Graham wasn't going to be here by my son's wedding in October.  I kept telling the family that, but they thought I was just being anxious.  But as they said to me,  you were right Ma.

Denis and I went out to dinner on my actual birthday, then on the Saturday night following, the whole family and Linda and Brenton went to the Birkenhead Tavern for dinner.  It was a lovely night and we had a special cake - chocolate, my favourite.

I am now the proud owner of a Kindle ebook reader from the family.  So I spend my 40 minutes each way on the bus to and from work every day reading.  So spoilt!!.  I also received a beautiful ring with sapphires and diamonds from Denis and Elizabeth and her family.  My lounge was like a florist shop, it smelt beautiful with all the flowers that my family gave me.

Elizabeth and Amelia put together a special beyond the page "60" scrapbook album for me with my three children and their respective families included.  I have taken a picture of it and it is below for all to admire.

My son Ben was getting married on 1 October 2011 and I have made a card for he and his future wife Jo to celebrate their wedding day.  I used Magnolia Tilda Loving Couple and the Rose Arbor with inspiration from some of the blogspots I have been visiting lately.  I used Distress Reinkers for the painting.

I recently made a card for Linda and Brenton's daughter for her birthday. 

This is a not very good photo of my effort.

I really loved painting this background.

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